
  1. ジュニアビジネス留学

Interns wanted for Junior Business Camp in Japan. Why don’t you expand your potential in this entrepreneurship education program?

Let’s open the doors to the world of business!

Junior Business Camp is an educational camp for young entrepreneurs to nurture the “zest for life” in elementary and junior high school students. The program will develop their independent thinking, communication skills, English language skills, creativity, money literacy, problem-solving skills, and other skills that will open up new doors in their lives.

Students not only acquire “useful knowledge for the future” but also “skills which are useful immediately”.

In short, participants will spend time with young entrepreneurs who will become their role models for the new era and it will significantly improve their values! The children’s bubbling smiles, incredible growth, and excitement for the future will be evident during these four days.

Why don’t you expand your potential in this entrepreneurship education program that you can’t experience at school?

The power to create the future! Junior Business Camp

Here are the Internship Details.

  • Supervise and look after students participating in the camp.
  • Assist in the preparation and facilitation of classes and events.
  • Taking and editing photos and videos.
  • Posting photos and updates in the Facebook group for parents.
  • Leading and guiding students in outdoor activities.



  • High school, college, or graduate students (between the ages of 15-25)*.
  • Those who are able to participate in online pre-meetings.
  • Those who enjoy interactions with children.
  • Those who are punctual.
  • Those who are proactive.

*Any nationality and gender are welcome. You do not have to be a student as long as you are between the ages of 15-25.

【Welcome conditions】

  • Those who can participate in the preparation prior to the camp (wanted!)
  • Those who are proficient in the operation of laptops and other presentation tools.
  • Those who have business experience.
  • Those who like planning events.
  • Those who have skills in something they are good at.
    (e.g.) Video editing, design, photography, English, good at caring for children, etc.

*We will cover the expenses for accommodation, food, and transportation during the camp (details will be communicated individually).

Would you like to learn business skills while working as a student intern?

We are looking for mentors (interns) to help us run the Junior Business Camp Program. If you are interested in education for elementary and junior high school students, or in business, why don’t you join us in running the camp?

Click here↓ for details of the program (*Japanese)

How to apply

Please click here↓ to apply.
Internship Application Form

Only those who pass the screening will be contacted to take the interview (Zoom).

Would you like to spend 4 days with young entrepreneurs? They are influencers in the field of online business, marketing, and web design. You will learn new skills and grow significantly by participating in this camp!

We look forward to hearing from you!










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  1. ジュニアビジネス留学

  2. ジュニアビジネス留学

  3. フィリピン親子留学

  4. ジュニアビジネス留学
